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Tibetan Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Tibetan Reiki is a system of energy healing that helps to bring our energies into balance and harmony. It is difficult to prove or disprove that Tibetan Reiki originated in Tibet as the symbols do not come from the Tibetan Sanskrit …

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Telos Healing System Reiki

Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shasta. It’s a real city in the physical realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity. The city of Telos has a very special frequency of love. This energy is very beneficial in healing sessions. With the Telos Healing …

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Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki

The Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki attunement connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animal communication and understanding, and works to help you with ascension in the area of animals and nature. This attunement also helps with healing both yourself and animals. Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki helps animals to cross over when it is time, …

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Spirit Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Spirit Reiki is a system of healing and spirit growth received by Linda Jean Horton in which she was given four symbols and told her to share this healing system. THE FOUR ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS ARE : SPIRIT AWAKING Spirit Awaking awakens …

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Soul Mate Reiki

Are you longing for “The One”? Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together. This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones). This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. …

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Solar Light Reiki Attunement

The energy of the sun is a warm, high vibrant loving energy that is very beneficial in healing sessions. Solar light has many excellent properties and the most important is healing and regeneration. Its energies also promote joy, happiness, peace of mind, calmness and balance. It cleanses and protects from negative energies. It’s further great …

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Silver Violet Flame Reiki Attunement

The Silver Violet Flame is a high frequency spiritual energy, which has been known to spiritual adepts for thousands of years. It was re-introduced by the Ascended Master, Saint Germain, and is the seventh ray of the Universe’s consciousness. The Silver Violet Flame is for those who hear the call of community or spiritual service …

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Seven Pearls Of Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement The teaching of the Seven Pearls of Reiki, transmitted by the basis of channeling by Ascended Master Djwal Khul, is a new lineage of Reiki which permits to access the healing of the heart. This training is aimed at all Reiki …

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Sacred Stones Reiki Activation

You will need the following crystal stones to complete this attunement: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Amber, Rose Quartz, Blue Calcite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Petrified Wood, Aquamarine, Obsidian, Fluorite. This System was created by Reiki Master Dr. Dawn Rothwell, founder of the Reiki Rays Institute USA. She was told by a Shaman that she was going to …

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Sacred Geometry Reiki Attunement

Sacred Geometry Reiki is a Channeled System by Reiki Master Rebecca Donaldson. It is a set of spiritual development Attunements & a healing course. The symbols are based on the spiritual language of Sacred Geometry. The square circle triangle for example have been used throughout history, the evidence is all around us, in nature & …

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