Sacred Flames Reiki is a powerful system brought to us by Allison Dahlhaus from different resources (in the physical and spiritual realms) to share with all those drawn to it. It is a set of guided visualizations and meditations designed to help the body, mind, and spirit heal themselves, and/or to maintain good balance within …
Category: Spiritual Reiki Attunements
Jan 13
Inner Light Reiki
Inner Light Reiki is a simple but powerful system to help the light of the soul shine through. The energy works to clear blockages, increase joy, and help you accomplish your life purpose. In this course you will learn how to practice Inner Light Reiki on yourself and others, and how to pass attunements. This …
Jan 13
Green Tara Seichem Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Seichim, a word (pronounced “SAY-keem”) of unknown origin-but closely related to the ancient Egyptian word sekhem, which means life-force, or energy-is used to indicate a system of healing that many feel has ancient origins in Tibet. This practice is said to …
Jan 13
Sacred Geometry Reiki Attunement
Sacred Geometry Reiki is a Channeled System by Reiki Master Rebecca Donaldson. It is a set of spiritual development Attunements & a healing course. The symbols are based on the spiritual language of Sacred Geometry. The square circle triangle for example have been used throughout history, the evidence is all around us, in nature & …
Jan 13
Soul Light Reiki
by Daelyn Wolf Soul Light Reiki is a healing and empowering system that connects you to Universal Source Energy, your higher self, and your soul energy. It works to help boost your energies and open your conscious mind to know your true self, and connect with your soul. When you are connected to your Soul …
Jan 13
Hawaiian Trinity Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement By Stephanie Brail Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement There are 3 elements to Hawaiian Trinity Reiki. These are: Aloha reiki Kahuna reiki Uhhane nui reiki Aloha Reiki Aloha means affection, love compassion, …
Jan 13
Seven Pearls Of Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement The teaching of the Seven Pearls of Reiki, transmitted by the basis of channeling by Ascended Master Djwal Khul, is a new lineage of Reiki which permits to access the healing of the heart. This training is aimed at all Reiki …
Jan 13
Imara Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Imara Reiki is a Reiki of a higher vibration energy level than most common Reiki modalities, and the method will only work in the full strength if you are decently attuned to it. In some aspects, the healing energy of Reiki …
Jan 13
Silver Violet Flame Reiki Attunement
The Silver Violet Flame is a high frequency spiritual energy, which has been known to spiritual adepts for thousands of years. It was re-introduced by the Ascended Master, Saint Germain, and is the seventh ray of the Universe’s consciousness. The Silver Violet Flame is for those who hear the call of community or spiritual service …
Jan 13
Inner Beauty Reiki Attunement
Each of us is a shining light that collectively helps to raise the vibration of the earth and lead us to a common goal of happiness and love. Sometimes we fail to see our own inner beauty and light and often we cannot see the light and beauty that is present in everyone around us. …