Category: Spiritual Reiki Attunements

Inner Sun Reiki Attunement

Inner Sun Reiki combines and teaches several schools of thought from Usui Reiki, GTummo, Kundalini and others. Below are the outlines of the four manuals you will receive: Inner Sun Beginner’s Manual HAND POSITIONS THE STANDARD SET OTHER HAND POSITION SETS: CHAKRA BALANCING ACUPOINT BASED HAND POSITION SET SELF-HEALING WORKING WITH CLIENTS: THE HEALING SESSION …

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Soul Mate Reiki

Are you longing for “The One”? Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together. This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones). This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. …

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Isis Blue Moon Reiki Attunement

Isis Blue Moon is a particular energy stream that encompasses all the Isis energies. The more you work with Isis and use Isis Blue Moon healing, the more likely you will be to notice these individual aspects. I have listed some of the main Isis frequencies below along with some of the ancient associated symbols. …

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Spirit Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Spirit Reiki is a system of healing and spirit growth received by Linda Jean Horton in which she was given four symbols and told her to share this healing system. THE FOUR ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS ARE : SPIRIT AWAKING Spirit Awaking awakens …

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Akashic Records Attunement

Akashic is Sanskrit for “primary substance”. The Akashic Records are known by different names throughout the world – such titles as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records. The Akashic records contain all knowledge that is in the past, present, and future. …

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Karuna Ki Reiki Attunement

Karuna Ki Reiki is an innovative and advanced natural healing system that was developed by Vincent Amador. Karuna is a Sanskrit word that means “compassion in action.” Karuna Ki is Compassionate Energy and Healing. It is connecting to the “heart” of Reiki for the healing of the entire universe. Karuna Ki means ‘The Way of …

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Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki

The Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki attunement connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animal communication and understanding, and works to help you with ascension in the area of animals and nature. This attunement also helps with healing both yourself and animals. Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki helps animals to cross over when it is time, …

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Amara Omni Spiritual Empowerment Reiki

Amara is an energy-consciousness of individual empowerment and self-discovery. Even though Amara can bring forth healing on all levels and dimensions, the actual intent is not to heal but to become aware of our subconscious currents. These deep “inner waters” hold the key to the mystery of our being. The energy-consciousness of Amara assists us …

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Light Dream Reiki Attunement

Light Dream was channeled in 2003 by Alla Sharkia. Light Dream Reiki works well for those suffering from insomnia. There are no symbols in this method and this is highest frequency based on the power of the Violet Ray of St. Germain. Light Dream 1 After the level one attunement you will be able to …

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Telos Healing System Reiki

Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shasta. It’s a real city in the physical realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity. The city of Telos has a very special frequency of love. This energy is very beneficial in healing sessions. With the Telos Healing …

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